How many Seconds in a Day?
To calculate the number of seconds in a day, you need to consider that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. You can multiply these values together to find the total number of seconds in a day....
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Find a complex number a + bi such that a2 + b2 is irrational
Real and imaginary numbers combine to form complex numbers. The imaginary component, I (iota), indicates a square root of -1. The imaginary portion of a complex number is i. a + ib is a typical representation of complex numbers in their rectangular or standard form. 420 + 69i, for example, is a complex number in which 420 represents the real part and 69 represents the imaginary part....
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Is 0 a Natural Number?
0 is not a Natural number. Instead, Zero is a whole numbers, not natural number. The natural number start with 0 and end up to infinity. It is a positive integer that range from 1 to infinity(∞). These numbers may be counted and are commonly used in calculations. Natural numbers are commonly denoted as “N”. We use numbers daily. They are commonly cited as numerals. We can’t count things, dates, times, money, etc., without numbers....
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Integers – Definition, Properties and Worksheet
Integers are any number including 0, positive numbers, and negative numbers. Examples of integers are 3, 70, -92, 234, -3567 etc. Examples of numbers that are not integers are -1.3, 3/4, 2.78, and 345.97...
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Mixed Fractions
Mixed Fractions also called Mixed Numbers are a group of fractions that are represented in a special form in which the whole number is written alongside the fraction. It is a way to express a quantity that is more than one whole unit but less than the next whole unit....
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How to Find HCF of two Numbers using Long Division Method?
Follow these steps to find the HCF of two numbers:...
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How to Find the Cosine of Common Angles?
Finding the cosine of common angles is a fundamental aspect of trigonometry, it is important for solving various mathematical and real-world problems involving angles and triangles. Common angles such as 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90° have specific cosine values that are frequently used in calculations....
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Divisibility Rule of 13
Divisibility rules of 13 help us know the given number that should be divisible by 13. Let’s learn about those rules and how to apply them....
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How to Add Mixed Fractions with Different Denominators?
Fractions can be defined as numbers which can be represented in the form of A/B where A and B are integers and B should not be equal to zero. In a fraction, the upper part is called Numerator and the lower part is called the Denominator....
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How do you know if a radical is rational or irrational?
Rational numbers, such as positive and negative integers, fractions, and irrational numbers, are all examples of Real numbers.  The set of real numbers, indicated by R, is the union of the set of rational numbers (Q) with the set of irrational numbers. This means that real numbers include natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers. For example, 3, 0, 1.5, 3/2, 5, and so on are all real numbers....
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Are Percents Rational Numbers?
The number system includes different types of numbers for example prime numbers, odd numbers, even numbers, rational numbers, whole numbers, etc. These numbers can be expressed in the form of figures as well as words accordingly. For example, the numbers like 40 and 65 expressed in the form of figures can also be written as forty and sixty-five....
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Simplify by rationalizing the denominator of (7 + √6)/(3 – √2)
The term “number system” refers to the representation of numbers, where a “number” is a mathematical value used in various mathematical operations such as counting, measuring, labeling, and computation. There are different types of numbers, such as natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers, real numbers, etc. These numbers are used as digits in a number system. Similarly, a number system is classified into various types that have different properties, like a binary number system, an octal number system, a decimal number system, and a hexadecimal number system....
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